a mural painting workshop in Beijing some years ago.

Art workshops: adult-learning, self-development and transformation

Many types of artistic workshops can be arranged for you either as individual- privatly or in small or large groups. Through creative art-making, the aim is for life-enrichment.

Finding the creative "child within" is the objective and basis for these courses

I always link our exploration to the eternal and universal creative principles of the TAO (DAO). 

Clay modeling, lazure painting, mural painting, watercolour painting, soft colored chalk pastel, black/white shaded drawing, colour theory studies and elements of eurythmy

+852 6563 2492  mobile tele. in Hong Kong

+852 6127 4038   Whatsapp #

+86 155 4676 2492  on China mainland when I am there)


Transforming 3-dimentional space through beautiful pure colours applied to building surfaces ...here was a workshop in Shenzhen, China

Teamwork in Baoji, near Xian, China

Clay modeling ...in a teacher training program in Chengdu

Goethean prism studies then applied in pastel illustration/diagrams...in Hong Kong

same workshop with watercolours followed later by a painterly theme...in Hong Kong

watercolour painting session during a lazure workshop in Suzhou, China

warm-up movement in Guangzhou, China during a creative speech training along with workshop leaders Michael and Adrian

Week long art workshop on the theme of Steiner's building project the Goetheanum. Intensive drawing, painting and clay modeling...we were taking up the important elements of the Goetheanum here in Chongqing, China 2015

Here was the theme of Steiner's depiction of the Central Figure: 'Representative of Humanity'... a figure in balance between 'illusioned' light and 'imprisoning' darkness

This was one of several such workshops which I taught in cities of China between the years 2014-15...among them were Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Beijing.